The maps below are only one example of how someone can move through the given degree in 4 years. Remember to take this information as advice, work together with our office, plan around your circumstances, and make your path.
Bachelor of Arts Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science with Forensic Science Degree Plan
Bachelor of Arts Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science with Forensic Science Degree Plan
Bachelor of Arts Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science with Forensic Science Degree Plan
Ecology for Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Arts Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science with Computational Science Degree Plan
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Arts Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science Degree Plan and 4-year Map (link to catalog)
Bachelor of Science with Astrophysics Degree Plan
Bachelor of Science with Computational Physics Degree Plan
Bachelor of Science with Engineering Physics Degree Plan