Meet with an Academic Advisor


Students pursuing academic recovery must meet with a COS academic advisors each semester to discuss their options and create a plan to return to good academic standing. We recommend scheduling an appointment early in the semester to plan you class schedule, learn about academic and support resources, and discuss strategies to help you succeed in your academic pursuits.

Schedule an Advising Appointment:

Schedule an appointment using the Navigate app or visit  


Students facing Academic Alert or Probation

Use the link below to schedule your appointment in Navigate. Be sure to select the "Academic Difficulty - Academic Alert" or "Academic Difficulty - Academic Probation" service and your current academic standing.


Students facing Academic Suspension

If you are currently facing academic suspension (meaning, you cannot enroll in classes right now) and do not have access to Navigate, email to be connected with an academic advisor. Be sure to include your full name and 8-digit UNT ID number.