Appeals and Exceptions | College of Science

Appeals and Exceptions

Per academic policy, students are responsible for meeting the standards of academic performance established for each course in which they are enrolled as well as requirements for completion of their academic programs. They are also responsible for adhering to UNT's code of conduct while pursuing their programs.

If a student needs to appeal a policy, degree requirement, or grade, the student may follow the policies and procedures listed below.

Enrollment Appeals

Grade Appeals

Catalog Appeals

Other Exceptions


It is the responsibility of the student to verify the accuracy of their schedule and ensure that they are enrolled in the appropriate classes by the first day of each term or session. If a student does not intend to take or complete a course, the student must drop the course before the first day of the term or session to avoid potential enrollment and financial penalties. Students may use the academic calendar on the Registrar's Office website and review the dates associated with tuition charges and refunds by visiting the Student Accounting website.

If a student experienced a severe, unforeseen circumstance that prevented the student from dropping their coursework in time for the posted deadlines or from completing the class, the student may be eligible to submit a registration adjustment petition. To request a petition, the student will need to submit a personal statement and supporting documentation of the extenuating circumstance to the Senior Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Science, whose contact information can be found on:

If the circumstance is deemed to mee the criteria for an appeal, the student will be provided with instructions to submit their appeal to the Registration Adjustment Petition Committee, which includes representatives from across campus. The appeal process is closed, and the committee will only accept the statement and documentation submitted by the student. The committee decision is final and not eligible for further appeal.


It is the responsibility of the student to verify and adhere to the rules and degree requirements listed in the catalog to complete their degree program. Students' first reference should always be the course catalog for the year they are following (typically, the year the student was admitted to UNT if no major change has occurred) followed by the degree audit system and an academic or faculty advisor.

If a student experienced an extenuating circumstance preventing their ability to meet the requirements posted in the catalog, the student should contact their advisor to find alternatives to the degree requirements, such as changing their degree, program, or catalog year, before requesting an exception. University requirements cannot be appealed. Such requirements include policies related to admission, enrollment dates and classifications, Excess Hours, and University hour and GPA requirements. College and department-level requirements may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis provided there are no alternate options available to the student.

Delayed graduation or a desire to graduate early is not a reason to appeal catalog requirements.


Per the policy, students are expected to meet the academic standards established for each course in which they are enrolled as well as the requirements of their academic programs.

If a student believes a grade was awarded arbitrarily, inequitably, or erroneously, the student must contact the faculty member first to discuss the grade and attempt to resolve the student's concerns. If the instructor and students are unable to agree on the grade, the student has 30 days from the start of the next term to file an appeal with the chair of the instructor's department.

For more information, visit


Students might request other exceptions, including the following:

  • Indefinite Suspension Waiver
  • Instructor Appeals
  • Enrollment Exception
  • General Request for Exception

Apart from an Indefinite Suspension Waiver and Instructor Appeals, students should contact an academic advisor for assistance with their next steps in filing an appeal or requesting a specific exception.

For information on appealing or filing a complaint about an instructor, students should contact the chair of the instructor's department.

For information regarding an Indefinite Suspension Waiver, students should contact a member of the Academic Recovery team. Their contact information is on: