Dr. Yan Jiang Receives June COS E=mc² Award | College of Science
June 20, 2024

Dr. Yan Jiang Receives June COS E=mc² Award

The Dean is pleased to recognize Dr. Yan Jiang as the recipient of this month's Excellence in Mastering Challenges Continuously (E=mc²) Award! This award was established by Dean Quintanilla to recognize outstanding efforts among full-time staff members within the College of Science and its departments.

"I'm surprised and very honored to receive this award," said Dr. Jiang, "Thank you!"

Dr. Jiang has been with the UNT physics department for two years as a senior instructional lab supervisor. He received his PhD at UNT with his concentration on condensed matter physics. He said his favorite thing about the job is getting to flex his problem-solving skills.

"I love to think behind the phenomenon," he said. "At work, I can tailor my skills to solving technical problems, going deeper into the principles."

Dr. Jiang worked with the chair and faculty members to start a new student research lab in the physics department and continues to develop, maintain, and upgrade the space. He talks with students daily, helping them with instrument training, sample testing, and understanding necessary physics principles.

Many students have praised his knowledge and support, and many faculty have expressed their appreciation for his contributions in the research lab.

"He evaluates the needs, purchases instruments, and maintains those instruments as well as supervising and training students in the lab. He is dedicated to his job and always strives for improvement," said a colleague.

Dr. Jiang said one of his favorite UNT memories is of playing ping-pong with physics staff and professors. When not working, he enjoys swimming and fishing, and he loves SpongeBob.

If you'd like to nominate a deserving staff member for the next E=mc² award, please complete this nomination form.