Kimberly Piccolo Receives May COS E=mc² Award | College of Science
May 16, 2024

Kimberly Piccolo Receives May COS E=mc² Award

The Dean is pleased to recognize Kimberly Piccolo as the recipient of this month's Excellence in Mastering Challenges Continuously (E=mc²) Award! This award was established by Dean Quintanilla to recognize outstanding efforts among full-time staff members within the College of Science and its departments.

"I was genuinely surprised to receive this award and proud to be in good company!" said Kim, who has a BS in biology from East Texas State University, and an MS, also in biology, from Texas Woman's University. Before discovering her passion for biology, she had a brief career in corporate America.

Kim has been with the UNT Biological Science Department for nearly twenty-five years and has been in her current position of Assistant Director and Instructional Lab Manager for the past thirteen years.

"Fun fact, I was the first "Scientific Lab Supervisor" to be hired in Biological Sciences, and the second at UNT," she said. "There are now thirteen (and a half) instructional lab staff across two UNT campuses in biology!"

Sarah Houdek, Assistant to Instructional Lab Manager in the biology department, said Kim is known to be an exceptional supervisor who goes above and beyond for her Instructional Laboratory Supervisors, the students, and fellow staff.

Another colleague of Kim's said: "Her leadership skills are truly inspiring; her team is always engaged and motivated under her leadership. Kim brings positive influences to the team which boost our morale, and her ability to tackle challenges is commendable."

Kim's day-to-day duties vary wildly, and she said she has made countless memories at UNT over the years. "One of the best parts of my job is the privilege of interacting and working with a wide assortment of interesting individuals," she said. "Because folks move on, it's also one of the more bittersweet."

Outside of work, Kim says she is passionate about growing in her faith and spending time with her family - including the furry and scaly members! She also enjoys exploring and enjoying journeys in nutrition and movement.

If you'd like to nominate a deserving staff member for the next E=mc² award, please complete this nomination form.