Join us in welcoming Dr. Yuan Li to the University of North Texas! Dr. Li is a theoretical and computational astrophysicist whose research interests include galaxies, galaxy clusters, black holes, AGN feedback, the interstellar medium, the intra-cluster medium, and the circum-galactic medium. We're excited for her to join the UNT Physics Department as a computational astrophysical researcher and faculty member. She is currently developing new astronomy courses for the program, and looks forward to meeting students and teaching them about galaxies.

"The research activities and the amount of support provided to faculty by the university and the department is impressive, and certainly influenced my decision to come to UNT," said Dr. Li. "People in the department seem very nice and friendly. The location is excellent."

Dr. Li grew up in China and obtained her PhD from Columbia University. Prior to joining our faculty at UNT, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Theoretical Astrophysics Center at the University of California, Berkeley. Her passion lies in enhancing our understanding of galaxy evolution and black hole physics, and sharing that knowledge with others. She is the founder of the Ann Arbor chapter of Astronomy on Tap, an event series engaging local professional astronomers with the public, and has participated in many other outreach projects and public lectures beyond academia.

Dr. Li is also interested in the arts, making UNT an ideal university to call home: "I used to do a lot of drawings and (mostly oil) paintings in my spare time, and would like to pick it back up. I am also looking for opportunities to collaborate with artists in creative ways, perhaps creating cosmos-inspired music or visual art."

Dr. Li invites the UNT community to follow her on Twitter at @YuanLi48238804. To learn more about our physics programs and faculty at the University of North Texas, please visit