UNT safety committees have been diligently reviewing federal and state guidance and making recommendations for how we apply the rapidly evolving changes to our campus operations. The health and safety of our UNT community continues to be our top priority, and UNT leadership will continue to carefully review the latest advice from public health experts and adjust our plans accordingly.

Mask Restrictions Lifted and Other COVID-19 Guidance

UNT is no longer requiring masks indoors for anyone per Gov. Greg Abbott's Executive Order May 18 prohibiting government entities from mandating masks. Outdoor mask requirements on campus were lifted Friday, May14. The following changes also will be effective on or before June 1:

UNT will be moving away from the 6-foot social distancing guidelines over the summer, though everyone is encouraged to maintain a space that makes them feel comfortable.

Conversion of classroom spaces to their pre-COVID configuration has begun. Capacity signage will be posted to be equivalent to the university social distancing standard.

Visitors are permitted on campus, including visiting student and faculty scholars, media and other guests (Note that third-party rentals of university spaces are still prohibited and university events still need approval by the events subcommittee.).

Water fountains are being turned back on.

Work items can be shared - such as pens and paper - following CDC guidance regarding a lack of evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 via surfaces.

Elevator occupancy limits are lifted.

Read the Q&A UNT leadership prepared to provide additional information for the most common questions asked.

Get Vaccinated

UNT continues to urge students, faculty and staff to get the COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccine clinics at UNT and UNT's vaccination registration site are being paused for now as the number of participants tapered off.

You can visit the Denton County site for information on vaccine availability and other providers.

Get Tested

All faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 test and to self-monitor for 14 days before coming to campus. Use the self-monitoring form as a guide. COVID-19 testing is provided to UNT community members by:

Curative, Inc. - Faculty, staff and students can get a free COVID-19 test through Curative, Inc. The testing in the University Union, Room 381, is available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, except holidays. To sign up for the free testing, visit cur.tv/UNTunion.

WellHealth - Register at gogettested.com, search for Denton or Frisco on the map and follow the "Book Now" link on the "Denton - UNT Union Circle Garage - Texas Emergency Management" or "Frisco - WellHealth" location and include the group code "UNT." Including the "UNT" code allows positive test results to be sent directly to UNT's COVID response team. The free testing is offered from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays, except for holidays.

Student Health and Wellness Center - Students can learn the latest availability at the center's website.


The CDC requires all air travelers to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test or recovery from COVID-19 before boarding flights to the U.S. from any international location. In addition, all faculty, staff or students will be asked to quarantine off campus for 10 days. International students who will be living on campus will be provided with an on-campus quarantine room.

To report your international travel to the COVID hotline, call 844-366-5892 or email at COVID@unt.edu for instructions on their quarantine period or on-campus quarantine housing.

Remember that UNT's response to the COVID-19 global health crisis continues to evolve, so our policies and plans are subject to change when necessary as more information becomes available. As a result, please plan to check this site frequently for updates: https://healthalerts.unt.edu