This Autism Acceptance Month, we're celebrating Natch Azure! Natch is an artist and graduate of UNT's Ecology for Environmental Science program who marries their lived experience with their love of art and science to create illustrative pieces that educate and inspire. "I tend to open with the mouthful that I am an autistic, nonbinary Chicane. (Chicane being a nonbinary form of Chicano/a). Each of these identities has influenced my life in both good ways and bad. And this in turn affects the art I create and the stories I write," Natch says.

Natch currently works for the Botanical Research Institute of Texas but hopes to one day pursue illustration as a career. For now, their work can be found on Tumblr and the @nonbinary_star_comics Instagram account. "The future for the world as a whole, and specifically many of us in it, is uncertain. But I am trying to put myself out there in whatever way time allows, and if I ever have the opportunity I would love to actually pursue illustration and art as a part-time or full-time job. Especially in regards to social justice and environmental education. This is the appeal I think art and comics have - to empower new demographics and find new audiences for these vital conversations. Humans consume art far more than dry text."

Even as a student, Natch was working toward a more inclusive and beautiful world, which led them to found the UNT Comic Book Club. "Graphic content, art, science, field research and conservation have always been special interests of mine, and it felt important that if a space for my interests was not already available, I should make one. And doing so has led me to meet some very kind and wonderful people."

When asked what advice they would give current UNT students, Natch says "Do not settle for the bad. Do not tolerate the unfair. Do not let your campus, or any space, become a place where you or your peers can't be themselves. Fight in whatever little ways you can because you are the only person you can guarantee will help."

Natch, your creativity and love of the environment make us #UNTproud!

See more of Natch's work:

Via UNT Social