Students from UNT Chemistry's NSF REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) Program gathered this week with their peers and professors to present their chemistry research. This is one of the many undergraduate research opportunities offered in the College of Science. The program utilizes UNT's state-of-the-art resources in instrumentation and high-performance computing. Many of the research projects require collaboration between different research groups, such as a joint computational/experimental study of new catalysts led by the research groups of professors Tom Cundari and Lee Slaughter.

The five 2018 REU participants were chosen from over 300 applicants across the nation, and are joined by Alleigh Couch, a UNT Forensic Science major who is participating as an REU Affiliate. This year's participants come from four different states and are engaged in a diverse set of research projects in the laboratories of UNT Chemistry faculty members. These range from studies of corrosion in electronic devices, to design of new energy-efficient lighting devices, to computational studies of cancer biochemistry.

A unique aspect of the program is its career-centered professional development program. Participants receive hands-on experience in both written and verbal scientific communication, learn about scientific ethics, meet career-active researchers, and even tour local companies to see how chemistry plays a role in the modern economy. The program "strives to provide an immersive research experience combined with valuable career training."

For more information on the UNT Chemistry NSF REU Program, visit their website at Applications for next year's program will be available during the Fall 2018 semester, and questions can be directed to the Program Coordinator at