A team of UNT researchers developed a cloud-based computer program to help ensure the equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. The program, called RE-PLAN, is unlike anything currently in use to help state and local public health agencies distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure its timely availability to all community members according to each state's guidelines. RE-PLAN pulls data from a variety of sources to help public health agencies create response plans for public health emergencies.
The cloud-based RE-PLAN computer program developed at UNT is now being commercialized through a collaboration with Juvare, a leader in critical incident preparedness and response technology. The program helps state and local public health agencies distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure timely availability to all community members, including vulnerable and at-risk populations such as those who lack transportation, need translators, have special needs related to disabilities or are uninsured. Originally designed to create emergency response plans for bioterrorism events, the program was adapted to focus on decision support for COVID-19 mass vaccination planning by a team of researchers led by Dr. Marty O'Neill, director of UNT's Center for Computational Epidemiology and Response Analysis. Check out the new RE-PLAN video.