Dr. Yanyan He is a new assistant professor of UNT Mathematics, with a joint appointment in Computer Science and Engineering. Having received her PhD in Computational and Applied Mathematics from Florida State University in 2013, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute of the University of Utah, and an assistant professor at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Dr. He's research focus is in uncertainty quantification, uncertainty modeling, Bayesian methods, uncertainty visualization, uncertain data fusion, fuzzy sets and fuzzy measures.
Q: What helped you make your decision to teach at UNT?
A: The joint position between math and computer science provides me wonderful opportunities to collaborate and conduct my research.
Q: What are you most excited to teach your students?
A: The techniques of understanding and quantifying uncertainty in computer-based simulations so that more accurate predictions and reliable designs can be produced. In other words, the development and the application of mathematical algorithm for real world problems.
Q: What are you bringing to UNT that is new and different?
A: My interdisciplinary research which serves as a bridge connecting different disciplines.
Q: What are you academic/research focus, and what are your goals within the field of mathematics?
A: My research interests focus on uncertainty quantification (UQ) including parametric uncertainty analysis, uncertain data modeling, uncertain data fusion, fuzzy set and fuzzy measures, etc. My professional goal is to develop effective and efficient mathematical approaches and use them to solve the problems arising in systems under uncertainty with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research.
Find out more about all UNT Mathematics and its programs have to offer at https://math.unt.edu.