Dr. Nirmala Naresh is a tenure-track associate professor in the department of mathematics at UNT. She received her B.S., M.S. and Master's of Philosophy in Mathematics at Madras University in Chennai, India, and completed her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education in 2008 at Illinois State University. Dr. Naresh has been involved with the academia for almost two decades concentrating on mathematics education research, practice, and service. She joined UNT in 2016 and has served on the College of Science's Council for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) since the council formed in the summer of 2020.

As a member of CDI, Dr. Naresh is passionate about inclusion across the board. "I would like to see our community be more open and accepting of the 'other,'" she said. "Acceptance of other languages, identities, cultures, religions, and so on. It is equally necessary to acknowledge and understand why these constructs are important for individuals."

She hopes to see changes at all levels and more community education about current policies that support and celebrate diversity and differences. Dr. Naresh has experienced firsthand the impact of problematic policies in place specifically in United States' institutions.

"I haven't been able to celebrate any religious holiday or a festival as a family for many years unless it was on a weekend - I was hesitant to ask for time off for fear of being considered unprofessional," she said. "For about thirty years I lived in a country where we celebrated all festivals, and a national or state holiday was in place for all major religions. I was taken aback when this was not the case in the US."

Dr. Naresh feels it is important that university councils comprising of faculty, staff, students, and leadership continue to work together to take issues like this seriously so qualified and talented individuals remain and thrive at the University of North Texas. She is excited that the Council has discussed working on diversifying curriculum in math and science disciplines, as well as figuring out ways to acknowledge, understand, and support more diversity in research.

That doesn't necessarily mean the work is without its roadblocks. Though many projects are underway with CDI, Dr. Naresh worries about the time it takes to create real shifts in policy which can thwart even the best intentions to affect change.

"Ongoing dialogue is important to ensure that all members feel heard and included. Within our council, we need to get to know each other better in addition to meeting intermittently to do things," she said. "Administrators must find more efficient ways to acknowledge and reward individuals for time and effort that is needed to engage in this process."

In her time outside of work, Dr. Naresh volunteers at a community Tamil school where learners from the India diaspora come to learn the language. She also likes to relax with a good show. "I am addicted to mystery and crime tv shows and I indulge in binge-watching," she said. "I also love to cook and clean."

As she continues to be part of the efforts of the College of Science to affect positive cultural change, Dr. Naresh wants her fellow colleagues and all UNT students to know: "You are not alone. Together, we can enact change. Don't be afraid to speak up; ask for help; offer help."

The COS Council of Diversity and Inclusion invites members of the College of Science community to submit their anonymous concerns, thoughts, and ideas to the Council here: https://unt.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_02HBSdgxRVrcOd7