The Dean is pleased to recognize Jenn Johnston as the recipient of this month's COS Excellence in Mastering Challenges Continuously (E=mc²) Award! This award was established by Dean Quintanilla to recognize outstanding efforts among full-time staff members within the College of Science and its departments.

"Receiving this award was a surprise but also made me feel appreciated," said Jenn. "Dean Quintanilla was the person who hired me for my position with TNT, so it really is special to me that I was chosen."

Jenn, who is currently the Student Services Coordinator for Teach North Texas, has been employed at UNT for twenty-two years and has been working with TNT for the past thirteen. She's a UNT graduate herself and was employed with the Texas Department of Health and Human Services before returning to her alma mater. Her favorite thing about being part of TNT is seeing the future teachers of the world graduate.

"I ensure our students have everything they need completed in order to graduate with their STEM degree and teacher certification," she said. "I have been with TNT since our very first graduates, and as of this semester, we will have over 500!"

"Jenn is the first person every student meets and continues to meet with throughout the program," said Dr. Rudi Thompson, Teach North Texas Director and Jenn's supervisor. "The students simply love her. Rarely is there a time when you will find her without a student in her office. Many, if not most, will tell you that Jenn is the one that got them through."

Jenn says no day at work is every the same. She advises and mentors students but also helps with recruiting events, orientations, and hosting presentations. She sponsors the student organization Talon Teach as well.

"I feel the most important part of my job is just being an understanding ear when students need one," she said. "A lot of my time is devoted to one-on-one interactions with our students to ensure they know they belong."

Some of Jenn's favorite UNT memories involved helping students build award-winning (x3) floats for the UNT Homecoming parade. When she's not brightening the lives of her students and colleagues, she loves cooking and reading.

Dean Quintanilla plans to continue giving this award to outstanding COS staff members every month for the foreseeable future. If you'd like a deserving staff member to receive the E=mc² award and a free meal at Avesta courtesy of the college, please complete this nomination form.