The University of North Texas community, family, and friends are invited to join us at 4:00 p.m. Friday, Decemeber 16, to celebrate our Fall 2022 graduates from the College of Science either in person at the UNT Coliseum, or via the livestream. Interim Dean Dr. John Quintanilla will be addressing the newest graduates during the ceremony, alongside College of Engineering Dean Shengli Fu, UNT President Neal Smatresk, and Daniel Suda, the Director of Affinity Alumni Programming. The ceremony will include traditional commencement elements, including ceremonial degree conferral and individual graduate recognition. A total of 212 College of Science students are graduating this fall.
During the ceremony, our students with the highest honors in the College of Science will be recognized, including 37 students graduating cum laude (GPA between 3.5 and 3.69), another 46 students graduating magna cum laude (GPA between 3.7 and 3.89), and 34 students graduating summa cum laude (GPA between 3.9 and 4.0).
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