The UNT Advanced Environmental Research Institute (AERI) supports initiatives that address our region's most pressing environmental issues. As the Dallas-Fort Worth region continues its unprecedented economic growth, AERI aims to deepen collaborations with industry and local partners to foster innovations and workforce training initiatives for a sustainable and resilient North Texas region. To enhance faculty and student collaborations with industry and local partners, the UNT community is invited to the inaugural Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Conference on Friday, October 13 from 8-5 in the Emerald Ballroom in the UNT Union (314).

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) takes a broad view of sustainability. It goes beyond environmental impact to include a concern with how organizations manage risks and pursue opportunities to create innovative technologies and partnerships. Across public, private, and civic sectors ESG initiatives have the potential to reshape the workforce and research activities to effectively address 21st century challenges.

AERI's inaugural conference builds off longstanding partnerships to bring together industry representatives, university researchers, and students. Focused on environmental sustainability, conference activities will showcase pioneering research endeavors, foster new partnerships that positively impact communities and industry, and ignite meaningful dialogue on cutting-edge practices. Programming for the conference includes two keynote speakers, panels with industry and government leaders, industry networking, and a showcase of research initiatives.

Registration is required for the morning session, which will include two keynote speakers, panels with industry and government leaders, industry networking, and a showcase of research initiatives. The afternoon events are open to all UNT faculty and students and will include a "3-minute madness" research talk competition with cash prizes, industry lightning talks, a job fair, and a social.

To learn more about the conference and view the schedule, check out

Individuals can register to attend at